Types of Valves Commonly used in Industry
Ball Valves: A Ball Valve is a type of
quarter-turn valve which uses a hollow, perforated & pivoting Ball to maintain
appropriate flow through it. Ball Valves opens when the ball's hole is in line
with the flow & closed when it is moved 90-degrees by the valve handle. The
handle lies flat in alignment with the flow when open, & is perpendicular
to it when closed, making for easy visual confirmation of the valve's status.
To know more about ball valves, visit valves
manufacturer in Mumbai.
Plug Valves: Shaped like a cone or cylinder, a
Plug Valves uses a rotating plug inside the body of a Valves to control fluid
flow. These types of Valves have one or more than one horizontal passageway which
allow flow through the Valves when open. Plug
Valves are often used to move liquids or gases. They typically have two
ports but can also have three or more depending on the application.
Gate Valves: A Gate Valve is also called as a
sluice valve, is a Valves which opens by moving a round or rectangular wedge
out of the path of the fluid. Gate Valves are mainly designed to start or stop
flow, & when minimum flow restriction is needed. While working, these
Valves generally are either fully opened or fully closed. Valves
supplier in Mumbai
are the leading supplier of gate valves.
Globe Valves: A globe valve is very much
different from other Valves, it is a type of Valves used for regulating flow in
a pipeline, consisting of a movable disk-type element & a stationary ring
seat in a generally spherical body. A Globe Valves is a linear motion Valves &
are primarily designed to stop, start & regulate flow. The disk of a Globe Valves can be
totally removed or it can completely close the flow path.
Needle Valves: A Needle Valve is a type of Valves
having a small port & a threaded, Needle-shaped plunger. Needle Valves are same
as Globe Valves. They are used to start, stop, & regulate the flow rate
within a pipeline. However, Needle Valves are designed unique. Unlike Globe
Valves have a disc, Needle Valves have a long, tapered and Needle-like point at
the end of the Valves. This is often referred to as the plunger. To know more
about other different types of valves visit valves
dealer in Mumbai.
Check Valves: Check Valves are often forgotten by
many industry experts. However, Check Valves are one of the most important
Valves in a system. They work to ensure smooth operations and safety. Check valves are generally part of
common household items. Check valves are available
in a wide range of sizes and costs, check valves generally are very small,
simple, or inexpensive.